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Fort Worth Hormonal Imbalance Treatments

Hormonal Imbalance Treatments in Fort Worth, TX

Hormonal imbalances can be extremely challenging to live with. Both stress and genetics can help play a role in hormone production. For those suffering from diminished hormone levels, Dr. Carolyn Quist is the top provider for hormonal imbalance treatments in Fort Worth. As a board-certified physician, she has more than 30 years of experience providing gynecological and obstetrical care to her patients.

Why You May Need Hormonal Imbalance Treatments

Hormone deficiencies often cause debilitating symptoms, including:

●   Severe fatigue
●   Depression
●   Loss of libido
●   Irritability
●   Urinary incontinence
●   Anxiety
●   Muscle stiffness and aches
●   Painful intercourse
●   Night sweats
●   Chronic fatigue
●   Memory loss
●   Hot flashes
●   Insomnia
●   Weight gain

The good news is hormonal insufficiency may be treated with hormonal imbalance treatments. Dr. Quist implants bioidentical hormone pellets in the hip or gluteal region. This simple in office procedure is both safe and effective and is done every few months.

Hormonal Imbalance Treatments in Fort Worth TX for Both Women and Men

Dr. Quist devises custom treatment protocols based on her individual patients’ needs. After a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate testing (and after consulting when necessary with any of her patients’ other medical providers), Dr. Quist sets a target level for hormone production in each patient. Should that patient’s hormones not reach the targeted goal after the pellet implantation, their next hormonal imbalance treatment will be free.

Female patients are implanted with estradiol-infused pellets to mitigate some of the negative effects of menopause and other conditions. The pellets dissolve over time, releasing hormones that may help prevent the development or worsening symptoms of cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and uterine and breast cancers.
Many people are surprised that Dr. Quist’s patients include men. She offers testosterone pellet therapy in three-to-six-month intervals for men and women whose natural hormone levels are depleted by chronic health conditions or andropause, the male equivalent of menopause.

You Don’t Have to Continue Suffering

Medical advances and cutting-edge technologies in hormonal imbalance treatments may help provide the relief you seek. After recalibrating your hormone levels, you will feel refreshed, energized and often younger than your actual years.

Learn More About Hormonal Imbalance Treatments

Make positive choices about your hormonal health. Call Dr. Quist’s office at (817) 926-1313 to make an appointment to learn whether hormone pellet therapy is an option for you. You can also fill out our online contact form.